Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 1 of Yoga Journal 21 day challenge

Since it is Family Day here in Ontario, I decided to begin my Yoga Journal 21 day home practice challenge. I did the 45 minute flow sequence, which was fun, yet challenging. Partly not knowing some of the poses, partly having some trouble centering my breath. Of course having banished the dog and cats from my room, and having critters scratching at the door and whining while I was doing it, did not help. Nor did having my 12 year old son come in to chat :) But I did the whole video, and I feel great! I'm determined to do all 21 days, and since some days are only 15-20 minutes, it should be easier.

Did I mention we are going to my parents for a family dinner for Family Day? 45 minutes of yoga may not be enough. My siblings will know exactly what I'm talking about if they are reading this! But it is nice to spend time with the famdamily, even though there are a million and one things I should be doing at home instead.

Happy Family Day fellow Ontarians! If you are interested in the 21 day challenge, here's the link:!

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