Monday, March 12, 2012


It sure feels like spring around here.  Beautiful sunshine yesterday convinced me to take the dog for another long walk after I had already gone for a run.  After a long walk the day before.  Preceded by a full day of downhill skiing, and snowshoeing the day before that.  I now have very sore shins.  It's muscular, nothing epsom salt baths and Traumeel won't fix up.  But--really?!  How do I get myself into these scrapes?  Overdoing it.

Speaking of overdoing it, I'm really curious how a relatively clean and well cared for home gets so flippin' DIRTY?  Not just the usual messiness to be tidied, but dirty?  Grime in every corner.  I spent the morning making a big dent in that grime.  On the main floor of the house.  Plus loads of laundry in between.  My windows are sparkling (the ones I can reach from the outside) and all of them got a good cleaning on the inside.  As did the powder room.  The furniture has been moved and the dust bunnies have been banished.  I may tackle the basement tomorrow.  May.  I`ll play it by ear and see how it goes.  But there`s nothing quite like a sparkly clean house.  Maybe I`ll wash the kitchen cupboards and do some organizing instead.

March Break just screams spring cleaning at me.  Especially when the temperature rises and the sun shines.  I`m counting on more of the beautiful sunshine from yesterday to return.  What`s spring without sunshine?

I do realize that Ontario is probably going to get at least one more good blast of old Man Winter.  But I'm enjoying the spring temperatures while they last.  And I did see a robin yesterday.  I will be truly convinced when I see a red-winged blackbird.  I think they are the true harbinger of spring.

I am enjoying the luxury of time off of school, and trying to remember to nurture myself.  The next couple of months are going to be crazy busy.  Resting now is what will get me through.

What are you doing this March Break?

1 comment:

Only in Louisiana ~ documenting the adventures we call Life! said...

Thanks for your sweet comment about Scout! I will enjoy checking out your blog!