Monday, September 2, 2013

I think I hear the fat lady singing....

That's it folks.  It's pretty much over.  We have reached Labour Day.....and as I sit on my deck wearing the hubs cuddly Lulu sweater, my toes and fingers are cold.  It feels like fall.  Kiddos will be arriving bright and fresh faced at schools all over tomorrow morning, full of eager anticipation for the year ahead.  I remind parents to at least attempt to look a little bit sad as they put the kids on buses or drop them at school.  Try.  :)

School beginning always signals new beginnings for me.  I'm starting a cleanse tomorrow.  I decided to use Isagenix, based on the positive results that others are experiencing with it.  Reports of balanced hormones, reduced inflammation and reduction in autoimmune symptoms are enough to convince me.  What I'm doing isn't working, and you know the definition of insanity, right?!  Between my buddy Hashimoto's (confirmed diagnosis by my internist.....tell me something I didn't already know!) and babying my hip and knee as they heal, pounds have crept on.  Time to fix that.  Lots of walking, cleansing and yoga.

My sons and borrowed kid will start school on Wednesday, and my daughter heads back to university this week.  I will miss her and her crazy kitty when they go, but it's good for everyone to get back into routines.  My other kids need to get back to school too, to reconnect with friends and fill their lives with learning.

My husband has had a rough weekend.  His mom has gone to a nursing home.  She has dementia and is becoming more and more confused.  While it's a relief to know that she will be well cared for and safe, it's always difficult when huge life transitions happen.  Dementia is a terrible thing, and it's so difficult to see a parent struggling.  

So that's it.  The fat lady is singing.  It's over for another year.  Time to enjoy the splendour of autumn, leaves will soon be changing, the bounty of the harvest.  Ontario corn, tomatoes, potatoes and peaches are now in season.  And apples.  Fresh crunchy apples, also harvested locally.  

Maybe it's not so bad after all.

1 comment: said...

I'm so sorry about your mother-in -law. That's just sad and stressful. How is she doing now?

I toyed with turning the heat on last night- it was chilly. I wish I could enjoy fall more. It's hard knowing the five year winter that shows up on November 1st!!

Are you getting into the swing of school?

How did the cleanse go? My hubby just did one- seemed a bit scary....