Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I submitted the final assignment for my course last night!  I received the feedback this morning and I am officially finished.  And I tell you, I feel like my load has been greatly lightened.  I am indulging in the decadent-blogging during my prep time and NOT marking any of the huge pile sitting on my desk, awaiting my seal of approval.  Do I feel guilty for wasting time?  Not one little teeny bit.  I feel as though I have suddenly found hours of time to accomplish stuff in.  Because I have!  I am taking a break from courses, so no more hours in front of the computer, working away.  I will likely soon be complaining about not knowing what to do with myself, but for now I am happy!

I am feeling like Christmas is coming.  We will begin the crafting any day now at school.  I only have to figure out exactly what we're going to do.  I have to do some reading of my Christmas-y craft books and take an inventory of stuff I already have.  So many ideas, now to narrow it down to what 9 and 10 year olds can actually do fairly independently.  So we shall see....

Great run on Saturday, a nice easy 5k, no pains, no coughing.  Only 3k last night, but feeling a bit sore and with a stuffy nose.  Looking to knock off 5k again tomorrow and then on the weekend work on increasing distance again.  And yoga.  I will have time to do yoga, and not feel like there's something else I should be doing.  Sweet!

Looking forward to setting new intentions and goals for the new year.  Nothing concrete yet, but a few races will be involved, along with some new yoga intentions.  I intend to spend some of my newfound free time clearing away a part of the basement and actually setting up a workout/yoga corner. 

Hoping everyone is enjoying this fantastic Tuesday!  Oh the headiness of freedom, sweet freedom.

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