Sunday, October 23, 2011

8k run!

I ran over 8k yesterday!  I didn't intend to run 8, I figured it would be about 7.  But I was running in Orangeville with my husband, who was timing our intervals.  He claims he added incorrectly (I still think he maybe tricked me!), and we did 13 minute intervals instead of 12, which means that we ran 4 extra minutes which is about that extra kilometer.  I am not a fast runner for anyone doing the math--I know it, but I'm not really running for speed at this point.  Even if he tricked me, it was nice of him to run with me, instead of at his natural much faster pace. 

Even more remarkable is that I did it on legs that felt so heavy when we started out.  The first couple of km didn't feel so great.  But I was fine once I got into it.  My heavy legs were heavy from my 7k run on Thursday, which as you may recall I did after not running for a week.  And this morning I have kind of twingy knees.  I forgot to rub Traumeel on them last night.  But I will today and then they'll be fine.  I am not running or walking today, no point in aggravating my knees, or ending up with an injury.  Maybe some gentle yoga.

Shimmy has a basketball skills "camp" on Saturday afternoons, which is run by our friend, Jackson's former coach.  So we decided to run while he was at the camp.  That's the kind of multi-tasking I need to get better at.  Instead of sitting for 2 hours, get in a run.  Of course, that's assuming that I would have been sitting, when really we would have been running errands.  And getting my mom a birthday gift--which I forgot to do yesterday, so I will need to head into town today to get one, before her birthday dinner today.

And did I mention that we are going to Eastside Mario's?  Which means YUMMY pasta!  I realize that my life might be a little sad, I soooo excited to go out for pasta.  It's because I rarely eat the stuff, but I love the Firecracker Shrimp Bowties.  And I'm going to eat a huge amount of caesar salad first.  And even some of that delicious bread.  I'm getting a serotonin high just thinking about it!  Hey, maybe that's the key to missing the sunshine and feeling low in serotonin--dream about eating huge pasta could be a dietary revolution!

On a more serious note, my deepest condolences go out to the family of Kale, the young man who collapsed and died during last Sunday's marathon in Toronto.  I read an article in yesterday's Toronto Star, and it said that a doctor who was spectating immediately started CPR when he collapsed.  Sadly Kale did not recover.  Stories like that make me feel so sad for the family.  And it gives my mother fodder for reasoning why I shouldn't run (or whatever exercise).  But 1 out of 22000 runners are really not bad odds, and I'll take my chances with running.  I suspect that young people who die during athletic events would have collapsed anyway, I believe they likely had a heart issue they didn't know about.  Kale's family is still waiting for autopsy results, but in the meantime, I wish them peace in their grief.

I'm not running today, but I need to get some work done on either my course, or my progress reports.  And now is the perfect time, while the house is still sleeping.

Have a wonderful Sunday.   

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