Sunday, August 7, 2011

running free, or at least running

Running clinic yesterday morning.  I was a little concerned, I missed Wednesday's run because I felt like I was getting sick (achy joints, scratchy throat), and couldn't make it up on Thursday because sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day.  So I went to the clinic, prepared for it to be painful.  But to my happy surprise, it wasn't.  The very muggy, close, heavy air made it difficult for my breathing and I actually used my inhaler (I haven't needed it lately!), and the hills that Norm was "kind" enough to include on our route were a bit tough, but it went ok.  I'm still not very fast, but I'm also not in the slowest bunch.  And even better, I wasn't dragging behind everyone else, being the caboose of our small group yesterday.  Not that it should matter, but because I have an issue or two with competitiveness (really?!), it matters a little to me.  And best of all, we have run far enough now that the race on Labour Day should be fairly easy!  Cooler temperatures (at least not as much humidity) will make it feel great!

I'm looking at a couple other races too, to help keep the momentum going.  Left to my own devices, I'm afraid that life and school will take over, and I'll not keep up with running 3 or 4 times a week.  I'm plotting and planning ways to keep myself running after the Labour Day race.  I'm hoping that the Saugeen Tri Club that I've taken clinics with before will be looking for leaders, that's one way I will keep going.  I could definitely run with the absolute beginner group who do a run/walk combination.  In my experience, I'm faster and have more endurance even before this clinic, so it shouldn't be a problem.  And I've heard about a running group for intermediate aged girls, that works on building self-esteem, that some schools run.  There are bracelets, it's a real club kind of deal.  If I can remember the name or find it using Google, that would be a club I could start at school, and it would keep me running too.  And heaven knows, intermediate girls need all of the help with self-esteem possible!  I'm sure Ted will start his running "club" at school too, and he only manages to keep it going for a few weeks before he peters out, maybe I can be involved with that too.  Another way to keep running.  I realize I sound like a nut, but I know how easy it is to be derailed by life.  And I don't want to start from scratch again next spring!

I'm missing yoga class like crazy, it's time to get going to a class somewhere.  A friend told me about a lady who teaches from her home near here, but so far Thursday evenings haven't worked out so well.  I need to call and commit to one class, then I'll likely be able to keep going.  And I'd still like to get to Buddha Rider in Collingwood for a class.  It's Anusara yoga, I'd like to give it a try.  But I keep having all of these conflicts with time.  What I'd really like is to have class with the lovely Sarah, in the studio in Shelburne.  I emailed her to find out if there will be a session, it may not happen very soon.  Which is ok, I just miss her classes, and her calm self.  Once you totally trust someone, and they know you and what your body can do, it's hard to go somewhere else.   I trust her gentle corrections, and helping me deepen poses.  I know she's not going to push me to the point at which I could injure myself.  And I just really like her.  I have been practicing a bit at home, but to be honest, not nearly enough. 

I finally made an appointment with a chiropractor.  My neck is not getting any better, and I think that I must have some misalignment going on in there.  I had to cancel my last massage, and I haven't connected with my MT to get another appointment.  And my neck is feeling it.  But I don't think it's very normal to need massage every 2 weeks, or have pain.  So I'm going to combine massage with chiro and see if that gets things better.  When your neck is too stiff to be able to get into fairly easy asana?!  That's not a good sign.  And it will only get worse once school starts again.

We're off to my parents trailer today, and of course, it's raining.  Sitting in the trailer is not exactly how I want to spend the day.  Hopefully the rain clears up and we can enjoy sitting outside.  It doesn't even have to been super sunny, just not raining.  I'd like to swim in Lake Huron, and relax, not get so pissed off at my parents that my blood pressure skyrockets and I almost have a stroke.  And believe me, if we're stuck inside the trailer (even if it's the Taj Mahal of trailers!) that's very likely what will happen.

Wishing everyone a peaceful, relaxing, lazy August Sunday,

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