Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I braved the heat and went to kickboxing--it was sweet, nicely air conditioned. Before class I weighed myself and I've lost 1.5 of the 4 lbs I gained. I should have weighed myself after, probably sweated of another 10!!

Doing fairly well with the food side, would like to get to the gym more. I haven't been doing my program, only classes. I have a feeling I will pay for that when I do it later this week.

Still trying to get my butt out of bed to do my "fitness homework" every morning....unfortunately I like that extra 15 minutes of sleep. Thinking about doing a run/walk in the a.m. with my pup. She needs the exercise too, and it's too hot later in the day.

Need to eat something, a handful of peanuts doesn't really qualify as dinner :)

Love to hear from you, it helps to keep me motivated. Let me know how your goals are going too!

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